Swing Moves 2 Class

Swing Moves 2

Scott & Lisa help dancers enhance their joy of dancing.

Level 2 Dancers should have:

  • Have taken a Swing 1 or beginner swing dance class, or understand the concepts of being dance-ready and having a partner connection, and are able to execute the basic step, inside and outside turns, triple steps, the leader’s turn, and getting from closed to open positions.

Thank you for joining us for this class!

Video Watching Tips

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Swing Moves 2 Module Recap

Thank you for joining the Swing Moves 2 module.

Reminders for refining connection:

  • Remember the 3 no’s: no gripping; no spaghetti arms; no tea-potting

  • Walk forward, stop, walk backwards, stop, repeat [focus on the hands]

The following YouTube videos can serve as move refreshers:

Cuddle: Getting into & out of; with throw out; walks

Sweetheart: Getting into & out of; walks

Cuddle & Sweetheart


Meet Your Instructors

Scott and Lisa Chase have more than 40 years’ dancing experience between them and have taught various swing dance lessons for newcomers and experienced dancers, alike. As two of the lead Swing-In organizers, they enjoy sharing their love of the dance with others.

Contact Us

Contact Scott or Lisa

Phone: (585) 662-5950

Email: rocswingin@gmail.com