Free Lessons

Next FREE Beginner Swing Dance Lesson


June 1; 7:30 pm


Next FREE Beginner Swing Dance Lesson 〰️ June 1; 7:30 pm 〰️


Swing-In offers a free beginner dance lesson the first Thursday of each month, 7:30 - 8 pm. Alla & Marty provide all the essentials. No experience or partner necessary.

Attendees are then invited to stay for the dance , 8-10 pm, for only $7, to practice all you learned.


Scott & Lisa teach steps, technique, or musicality in their free lesson for intermediate dancers. Dancers should have:

  • attended at least a full series of swing dance lessons
  • mastery of lead/follow fundamentals
  • a strong repertoire of moves


Occasionally, Swing-In members will teach different types of dances.

Watch the calendar for upcoming special free dance classes, and monitor this page for tips and videos of fun dances.

See the Shim Sham lessons below!


Scott & Lisa teach steps, technique, or musicality in their free lesson for intermediate dancers. Dancers should have:

  • attended at least a full series of swing dance lessons
  • mastery of lead/follow fundamentals
  • a strong repertoire of moves

Take a look at two YouTube video tutorials:




Was held

April 20, 2023

Dancers with a basic knowledge of swing dancing are invited to learn the basics of this 1920s dance.

The Shim Sham

Swing-In dancers enjoy the Shim Sham several times each month. Here is a peek at the start of the dance.

Popularized in the mid-1980s by Frankie Manning, the swing-dance line-dance version of the shim sham is based off a 1930s tap dance. It involves about a dozen moves including the “Shim Sham Step,” “Boogie Back,” and ”Shorty George.”

In this 4-part lesson, Swing-In instructors broke down the dance and taught each step. Then, attendees had an opportunity to practice the steps during the dances.

Video links for each lesson are available on this site.

Click below to see helpful video links for the step sequences as they were taught each nite.

  • Boogie back sequence

    Boogie forward sequence

    Shorty George sequence

    All of this lesson’s sequences in one video

  • - Shim Sham sequence: the second time through, shake shoulders with arms extended forward and downward

    - Full Break sequence: add Apple Jacks on the steps back (see Full Break)

    - Push & Crossover sequence: with palms facing down, arms slightly extended, move arms forward and back with the pushes

    - Tacky Annie sequence: palms and hands up (hands at shoulders), flex them back on the touches back

    - Half Break sequence: right hand flares out forward, left hand flares out backwards, left leg kicks backwards on the hop step

    - Boogie back: have fun with the claps

    - Boogie forward: snap fingers and extend arms overhead on the brush steps (see video)

    - Shorty George: swing arms side-to-side as each step is taken forward (see video)

    Full Shim Sham

Intermediate Lesson Tutorial

Cross-Hands to Closed Position Twists

Presented January 19, 2023

Closed Position Twists: 5 step routine:

  1. basic 6-count step from open position to get into cross-hands

  2. cross-hands to closed position*

  3. basic 6-count step in closed position**

  4. twists in closed position***

  5. lead out to open position

Key Points

*To closed position key point: the lead must direct the follower to do a 180 degree turn as the follower comes forward

**Basic in closed position key points: the lead must be back and from both hands

***Twists in closed position: the lead has a slight “opening up” on the one count, mostly from the right hand

Intermediate Lesson Tutorial

Swing Circle/Tuck Turn

Presented November 17, 2022

YouTube Video Links

Swing Circle

Tuck Turn

Key Points

Swing Circle key points: both go straight down the line; on the 3-count: leader puts right hand on follower’s back, must be side-by-side and rotated 90 degrees, follower puts left hand on top back of leader’s shoulder; follower does 360 degree turn, leader does 180 degree turn

Tuck Turn key points: think “open the book, close the book”; on the 3-count, leader’s left hand meets follower’s right hand flat w/ tension, slides right hand to middle of back, then push & raise hands and gently guides follower through